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Blog of Extreme

My twisted view in My twisted words....

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Location: Sarawak, Malaysia

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Big updates

Lots of stuff posted today. First, of course is the WWE RAW report. Check back later this week for my WrestleMania predictions. Also posted the matchlist for the two new NJPW shows I have in the puroresu tapes section, and finally a music video review for the new KoRn video, one of my all time favorite bands. Also for your reading pleasure, a PS2 game review below. Enjoy!

PS2 Game Review: Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time
I remember playing the original Prince of Persia game a LONG time ago on my friend’s PC. I’ve also played the SNES version of Prince of Persia, which I consider the best in the series and one of the best SNES games ever. There was also a 3D version that came out for Sega’s Dreamcast, I didn’t think much of it, and never finished it cause of a bug in the game that cause it to hang near the end of the game. That version also didn’t break any new ground.
Now there’s the new Sands of Time game. This was critically acclaimed and one of the best games of 2003. And I would have to agree. This game has one of the best storylines I’ve ever seen in a video game.
Graphically, this game isn’t anything that hasn’t been done before, but the gameplay is fun and easy to pick up. Everything you need to know gets thought to you along the way. Also included, instead of just the standard Matrix-type bullet time effects, you also have the Dagger of Time, which allows you to reverse time in case you make any mistakes, so you always get a second chance as long as there’s sand in the dagger!
The in game music is also quite good, following the ambiance of the current situation you face. Voice acting is pretty good, though I wonder why an Arabian prince has an English acscent. The in-game dialogue between the Prince and Princess are also fun to listen to as it adds some realism to the situation. It's also fun listening to the Prince ramble to himself sometimes. And the ending credits theme is probably one of the best english songs ever written for a video game!
The only downside I can see with the game is that it can be quite easy to finish. I can only think of two puzzles in the whole game that really made me scratch my head. Most of them just require a bit of trial and error. The battles start off easy and get harder along the way, but usually can be dealt with if you have a little skill and patience. Another gripe I have is that you replenish your health by drinking from water fountains scattered throughout the palace. Wouldn’t it make more sense if the guy could carry a flask of something? Than again, maybe that would have made the game easier than it already is.
As a bonus, the game includes the original Prince of Persia game! Though I haven’t unlocked it yet and am not sure how. Maybe I need a faster clear time (My finish time was just over 10 hours).
Overall, I highly recommend trying out this game.
Graphics – 8
Sound – 8
Gameplay – 8
Lifespan – 7
Overall - 7


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