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Blog of Extreme

My twisted view in My twisted words....

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Location: Sarawak, Malaysia

Monday, June 13, 2005

Catching Up

I'm really getting fed up of my Streamyx connection. It's getting really bad these few days that I can't do anything after logging on, taking forever for pages to load to the point that they time out. Hence the reason I couldn't even update my blog from home.

Anyways, to recap my week, Thursday night me and Trish went to check out the 3D animated movie Madagascar. The movie didn't really live up to the hype that the trailers made it up to be, but it was ok. Not something I'd pick for animated movie of the year, but I'll still bet it's tons better than the upcoming Cars.
Friday night was even more boring I guess. Trish and me came home and just watched whatever was on TV. First was TNA, featuring the really bad World Title match of Jeff Jarrett VS DDP, God I hate Jarrett's overused, overbooked finishes. I can't remember what else was on after that as everything on untill 11pm just sucked. There was this Japanese horror movie on one of the Chinese channels, but it felt dumb and made ZERO sense that even I got lost somewhere in it. At 11PM though, something good finally popped up to watch. Some Chinese comedy movie about three spoiled rich kids who enter the police academy to prove themselves worthy of enheriting their father's fortunes. It was your usually Hong Kong comedy movie, but there were some really funny bits in it even if I can't remember the name of the movie.
Saturday, me and my dad took out crazy little weaner dog to the vet to get her heartworm shot. For the first time since we first got her, she wasn't so badass anymore as she was literally shaking in her boots as she sat on the vets table waiting to get her shot, which went off without a hitch or struggle. The rest of the day was pretty dull and I hit the arcades a bit that evening since Trish was working.
Yesterday was more of the same boredom, just sat at home watching anime and playing Super Robot Wars MX for the most part till evening when I went out with Trish for dinner and a bit of window shopping. Trish finally picked up that pair of jeans she had booked from one of the stores TWO MONTHS ago. I also had a shot at the Japanese drum game at Boulevard while we were there. I hadn't played it in awhile, so my I was a bit off in my game.
Not much doing when I got home last night either as SNL was probably the worst edition I'd seen since last week's show. But Jay Leno had an interesting guest on the show. The guy created the first ever donut-bacon-cheese burger! That's a grilled cheese burger with bacon stuffed between a glazed donut! He also had this interesting hot dog which was the hot dog wrapped in burger meat and deep-fried, then placed on a hot dog bun and topped off with chilli, bacon and a fried egg! Why can't we get food like that here?!? Other than making it ourselves of course. People starve and suffer through exercise and diets every day just so they can live a few years longer. But everyone dies eventually, so why not make the best of it and eat something really good even if it is a bit fattening??? I just might have an idea for a future business venture here...

Anyways, like I mentioned earlier, I've spent my free time watching some anime I got off the net. A fun series called Ten Jou Ten Ge. About these two guys who go around schools picking fights untill they reach the Todou Academy, which mostly specializes in martial arts. The duo get their butts whipped and then decide to join one of the school's clubs to make themselves stronger. The fighting scenes are nice done and there are some really hilarious moments thrown in. And there's a fair share of eye-candy as well as the female characters are rather generously endowned and courvacious :P I picked up this anime after seeing the VCD on sale in town, and reading about it on the net. I too will hop on the bandwagon and recommend checking this one out if you get the chance.


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